The Love of Orthodoxy

Siblings Nectaria and Spiros recognised the need for minimal and unique Orthodox creations. After a blessing of the siblings by Spiritual Fathers in Central Greece, they created the Monogram Atelier brand.  

Based on their faith, belief and love for the Orthodox Religion, they created an original concept of icons that are religious yet modern- and present-day pieces of art.

Monogram Atelier icons are unique and distinct. Your original Monogram Atelier icon is made with intent and purpose, the embracement of holy water with an aim to strengthen your faith to the Orthodox Religion.

32 products
  • H Παναγιά η Ψυχοσώστρια Virgin Mary Psychosostria
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  • H Παναγιά η Μυρτιώτισσα Virgin Mary of Myrtiotissa
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  • Nativity of Christ Icon Φάτνη της Γεννήσεως
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  • H Παναγία Οικονόμισσα Icon
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  • Η Παναγία η Θηλάζουσα Panayia Thilazousa Icon
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  • Παναγία Άξιον Εστί Panayia Axion Estin
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  • Η Παναγίας Δεξιά Our Lady of the Right
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  • H Παναγιά η Γιάτρισσα Panayia Giatrissa Icon
    Regular price
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  • Η Παναγἰα Χρυσαφἰτσσα Panayia Hrisafitissa Icon
    Regular price
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  • Η Παναγία Τσαμπίκα Panaγia Tsambika Icon
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  • Η Παναγία Τσαμπίκα Panaγia Tsambika Icon
    Regular price
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  • Η Παναγία Τσαμπίκα Panayia Tsambika Icon
    Regular price
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  • Η Παναγία της Τήνου Panayia Tinou Icon
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  • Η Παναγία Σουμελα Panayia Soumela Icon
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  • Η Παναγία Ρόδον το Αμάραντον Icon
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  • Η Παναγία Προυσιώτισσα Icon Panayia Prousiotissa
    Regular price
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  • Η Παναγία η Οδηγήτρια Panayia Odiyitria Icon
    Regular price
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  • Η Παναγία η Ελεούσα Icon
    Regular price
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  • Η Παναγἰα Η Εγκυμονοὐσα Icon
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  • Η Παναγία Επτάσπαθη Panayia Eptaspathi Icon
    Regular price
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  • Η Παναγία Δέσποινα Holy Virgin Despina Icon
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  • Η Παναγία Γοργοεπήκοος Panayia Gorgoepikoos Icon
    Regular price
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  • H Παναγία Γλυκοφιλούσα Panayia Glikofilousa
    Regular price
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  • Η Παναγία Γερόντισσα Icon
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